
Welcome to the place to laugh yourself to better health!
Physical - Mental - Emotional - Social - Spiritual

Are you ready for exercise that
ONLY requires you to laugh?
That's right, no yoga mat, no poses or uncomfortable positions!
All you have to bring is an open mind.

Laughter Yoga was created in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria, a physician in India in collaboration with his wife, Madhuri, a yoga teacher. It's popularity has resulted in approximately 20,000 laughter clubs in over 115 countries.
Reduced chances of heart disease
Socially bonding, boosts relationships
Makes you feel young & vibrant
Helps you lose weight
Improves breathing
Natural pain killer
Gives good sleep
Decreases stress
Increases joy & happiness
Strengthens immune system

Laughter Yoga Services
Offered by Rebecca Wood, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader/Teacher

We Love Laughter Club
If you're interested in making new friends during this fun & joyous gathering, this club is for you!
Laughter Yoga sessions on the Patio@Pendaries or the grassy area behind the Patio/ProShop.
( depending on weather )
Ongoing Thursdays 3 p.m.
starting August 10, 2022
Call or email for more information.
Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training
If you're interested in making new friends, serving others by teaching Laughter Yoga principles &/or leading Laughter Yoga workshops & sessions,
this training is for you!
Become a Laughter Yoga Professional!
Call or email for more information.
"When I is replaced by We,
Illness becomes Wellness"
Want to learn more? Contact me!
Rebecca Wood
(800) 587-2083